dock under cloudy sky in front of mountain

A few months ago, love died!
I reported the death to the nearest police station
So that they could come and take it to the morgue
I didn’t want to be a murder suspect
In the death of love!

Love died at exactly 2:00 a.m.
On a Tuesday morning.
It caught me by surprise
Love was not ailing
It did not show any signs
That it wanted to die

I suspected that love took its own life
But every evidence
At the scene of the crime
Pointed towards murder
Cold murder

The blood splattered was too much
For it to be a suicide
But there was no murder weapon
At the scene
I searched for it before calling the cops
In case it had my finger prints on it

Deceased at the wee hours of the morning
It made me question if I was the killer
I mean, it was dead silent
And I could not hear the intruder come in
Okay; wait; if there was an intruder at all:
How did he come in?
How did he leave the house?
All the doors were locked
Only him and I had the access to the key
In fact he kept them safely under his pillow when he slept

Wait, could it be him
Who woke up
Tip toed out of bed
Killed love mercilessly
Cleaned up
Then went back to slumber
As if nothing had happened
Then tried to frame me
For a crime I knew nothing about?

Could he be so conniving?
The audacity!
How could he?
But wait
What if it was me
Who sleep walked to the kitchen
Took the big blue knife
Came back into the room
Slaughtered love
In cold blood
Then went back to bed after cleaning up!?

No, no it couldn’t be me!
I’ve never sleep walked a day in my life
But why did I have the stains of blood
What exactly was going on here?
And where was the murder weapon exactly!?
Okay, maybe the CCTV footage could help me
Solve the mysterious killing of love

But no, turns out nothing was captured on the CCTV camera!
But how?
The cops would be here in a few
What exactly will I tell them happened?
Should I just plead the fifth?
Okay, maybe I should never have called the cops in the first place
But I needed them to help here
I needed the coroner
To rule it out as murder
Maybe conclude that it was suicide
Or maybe say that it was inconclusive

I wanted a death certificate
So that I could start mourning
Start going through the stages
Of grief and bereavement…….


9 thoughts on “SO LONG LOVE!

  1. Mmh…Love seems to have committed suicide; either in a moment of temporary insanity or sleepwalking

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